Monday, July 11, 2011

Blog Discussion - Go forth and discuss.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sir Ken Robinson. Brilliant man, good sense humor..!

    I really like his points on Shakespeare's father.
    It is a fact, wen do you ever remember a personalities father or mother's name..!
    -Parvand Gandhi. 'A' 7.

  3. This is pretty much exactly what we discuss when were stoned on the terrace. How all of us are born creative, our mind capacity is infinite. And over the years we're brain washed and taught how its 'wrong to be wrong'. We fear making mistakes and so we aren't able to come up with something original.
    As the years progress, we forget our body and focus only on our heads and eventually this is further focused on only one side of the head.
    We're blocking our minds more and more each day. It's tragically unbelievable.
    It's about time we start giving importance to creativity as much as literacy. Just imagine how much the universe around us will open up for us if we do so.
    -Mehar Chumble [4]

  4. i agree with sir ken robinson.
    when he speaks all that comes to my mind is the classical conditioning method from psychology. we are trained not to make mistakes by attaching some sort of punishment or stigma if we go wrong. but wrong where? why? and how so? who decides whats right or wrong?
    creativity is being killed to survive the economical world. but we need to understand that mankind will flourish when it uses its creativity to the full potential. but its being repressed to get better jobs and not better lives
    -preksha malu (19)

  5. Is mankind flourishing a good sign for nature?
    - Mehar Chumble [4]

  6. Sir Robinson, has a very strong view that is the most clear concept but always remains invisible to humans.Take anything that is Original .Its nude in nature its a perspective of one that unseen to many.obviously it does not blend.humans need a society that accepts them.very few take a risk to stand out.Like sir says "Hierarchy ".....besides that the eg. that he gave about the dancer connects to one an parents heard similar comment in my childhood however there was nobody that time to put on the radio for me...adapting art and self evolving without restrictions broadens our mind way more than following any pre-discoverd scientific laws or theoriest All of us can now see the NEED of Change.OUR generations a rebel.HE is just that one voice that spoke for many

    _Saloni Maru Div-A, Roll no-102

  7. @mehar
    that depends what you meant by the word flourish. i meant flourish intellectually.
    -preksha malu (19)

  8. @ saloni
    i like what you have posted. i feel that he didnt just speak for the rebels he spoke for the repressed as well.if his views are accepted and actually taken into consideration who knows; no one will need anyone to put on a radio for them. they will be able to do it themselves without fearing the society :)
    preksha malu (19)

  9. Industrialism has long dictated the terms for education; giving additional importance to subjects which facilitate work. It is time people realize that creativity is as essential as academics for the human development. I strongly believe that the education system today focuses mainly on intellect and denunciates creativity while preparing us to face the unpredictable future. The parameters are set about education. Education is to help you go past your hurdles and not create hurdles. Diversity, dynamism and distinctness are important aspects of intelligence; thus making creativity as important to education as literacy. Creativity is and shall always remain an integral part of every individual’s life. To quote Jackie Chan in The Karate Kid, “There are no bad students, only bad teachers.” The question yet remains in my mind; are we incapable of change? Is it really that difficult for everyone to see and to think beyond grades?
    Or are we all so narrow minded and scared to think differently to find a greater truth!

    Dhwani Parikh – 110

  10. i am totally agree with the Sir Robinson's point of view,any extraordinary thing we do in our childhood or even in present time is some or the kind of creativity or borntalent gifted to us, but we give so much importance to the exisisting environment that our mind start thinking in the orthodox way that what is right or what is wrong. sometimes i think that other living creatures have more freedom than a human being.... this video also remind me of a movie name 'taare zameen par'.
    - Divya Sangle, Div-A, Roll No-39

  11. Creativity cannot be trained or forced.It's natural and you need to be open to making mistakes for becoming creative.Schools or Parents for that matter of fact will tel you that you cannot become a painter,so don't paint, you can't become a singer, so don't sing.If that's how things will go, then i fear the end of creativity or the the mere thought of it in the generations to come.Mistakes is a stepping stone to become experienced and creative.Do what your heart tells you to do, otherwise as you know the society and the people around you are always there to remove flaws in you.And the people who say that intelligence comes if you get a degree, they truly and sincerely need help in their own life themselves.Let your thoughts flow and don't be afraid to be wrong. Pawan Badlani, Roll no- 66 SYBMM A Div

  12. Here Sir Robinson is only stating the facts of the much talked about CREATIVITY. I agree that we are all born creative and are built to grow out of it.Our education system strongly preaches on the adversity of being wrong hence we grow up to be fearful, ignoring our creativity and thoughts or altering them as per the society's acceptance. And all this,due to the thought of being JUDGED and considered inappropriate.Our original thoughts can be a marvel but just because we are worried of how the world will recept them, we rather choose to let them go than express and make something out of them.I strongly Believe that our education system needs to be revamped and also adapt with this ever-changing world.Creativity and Literacy should be of equal importance.Our education system should be enhanced so as to recognize our talent and creativity and encourage it and give us direction,not to teach us to grow out of it.
    -Disha Jain, 85

  13. I really agree with sir ken robin son that our education system is not appropriate... if v see d hierarchy of education system, much importance is given to the subjects like mathematics, science, etc and least importance is given to art & music... every child is creative and proper education is needed to enhance the creativity of the child... only degrees should not be given importance but the art and creativity should also b valued and I feel we are the people who have to take steps against such system & consider creative ideas which may lead to some invention...
    I would love to share my personal experience... Right from my childhood, I was interested in dance... when I hear music, I feel like dancing... :) But my parents always force me to concentrate ONLYYY on studies...because they feel, through studies I’ll get a nice degree & through a degree, good job and future....
    I think equal importance should be given to education, literacy n creativity...
    -Rahul Gulabani [53]

  14. Education according to most people is just related the academic excellence and to a certain extent sports. What guardians often forget it that kids are fast learners. If they are encouraged at a young age, they will definitely be able to excel in that one thing they’re really good at. Each person is creative in his own way. Creativity cannot be confined. It is something that defines a person and somehow the true meaning of creativity is lost while growing up and concentrating more on a career that pays well rather than getting a sense of satisfaction from the work he does to earn a living. I completely agree with Picasso’s statement. All children are born artists. When Sir Ken Robinson asks his audience whether they can imagine Shakespeare having a father or him being seven, it actually makes you thinks! Personally I always thought that the education system abroad is better and a person has more freedom to choose what he would like to study but turns out that is not true at all. The hierarchy of subjects still remains the same worldwide. Yes, the education system was built for a purpose, it was basically, like how Sir Ken Robinson stated, to produce industrialists. It was the need of the hour then. People were content with their lives and desk jobs were their priority or something concrete and least risky. Times are changing, so are the mindsets of people. Open-mindedness is setting in and every person wants an individual identity. Everyone has an imagination. It’s a perspective. How one sees the world. Creativity doesn’t die, it is just highly suppressed.
    Suchita Srinivasan
    (no roll no. assigned)

  15. @Preksha, I agree with your concept of classic conditioning and i agree that we should make our own mistakes. But think about it, If every one started making mistakes then what would the world be like. It is not about the the Economy or education system. You have to way the scales both ways, and find a solution somewhere in the middle.

  16. @Dhwani Parikh, Change is a choice that we make.

  17. EDUCATION. It can be defined as a process of imparting knowledge or accruing knowledge and skills, but as we get into higher education it becomes very evident that our education system focuses only on our academic improvement and it doesn’t encourage creativity, thereby stifling all round development of an individual. As Sir Ken Robinson rightly states the education Hierarchy is the same everywhere, putting all forms of arts at the bottom. As Picasso quotes “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. I completely agree with this as I have experienced this myself. I was learning Bharatnatyam from the 5th standard till the 9th standard and I did want to continue with it, but my parents insisted on me not pursuing Bharatnatyam due to the rigorous and demanding studies the 10th standard required. Unfortunately our education system emphasis more on rote learning, giving more importance to marks than the creative mind of the students. This education system may kill a once in a lifetime opportunity for an extremely talented person. To reiterate what I said, education does kill the creativity in us.
    Shivangi Wadhwa (47)

  18. This video has got me thinking. Being in such a creative field doing such a creative course whatever Sir Ken Robinson said about our education system is very true! The idea of creativity being as important as literacy needs to spread and people must be made aware that everybody has a creative side and they should make use of it. The education system keeps creative activities at the bottom. In today's world as Mr. Robinson said having a degree is not equal to having a job. In earlier days education was the way to the future and even today it is the only difference being its harder to get a job with only one degree you have to have an MBA to have a basic job. In all of this creativity suffers greatly. Running behind money a person doesn't have a platform to showcase his/her talents. The children today have a extraordinary capacity to learn and they should make use of it. From the beginning the education system has embed it in us that we cannot be wrong whatever we do has to be academically correct. But in creativity your not right or wrong. Its just your idea that might be valuable to the world. Sir Ken Robinson has put forth his views about creativity and the education system in such a humorous way and the examples he gave are those we can relate to. I think its high time we bring about a change in our education system and bring Dance and drama on the top of our academics;)
    Tripti Nagpal (25)

  19. Do you think the education you are receiving right now encourages 'creativity'?

    If you could change your degree level education for the better, what would you change? How would you make BMM more 'Creativity-friendly'?

  20. I love how everyone sounds so intelligent here

  21. Well according to a certain professor, the education we're receiving (BMM) is not at all creative. But i beg to differ.. I feel you need to make BMM work for you rather than you working for BMM. You need to be open and more importantly willing to go beyond what the 'normal' is.. I've been trying my best to do this since the beginning of BMM. I know I've gone off topic here, but i just felt i needed to put this out there.
    BMM is in my opinion a very creative education system if you want it to be.

  22. Sir Ken Robinson's video, “Do schools kill creativity?” really got me thinking. Educational Institutions worldwide are meant to provide knowledge, nurture talents and create intellectual individuals. But they are moving away from their actual definition. Unfortunately education today has become a money-making business. It has just become a means of creating people for jobs, like a form of "MODERN SLAVERY". Instead of channelizing our creativity in the right direction, we are getting educated out of our creative capacities. Education restricts are capabilities and moulds us in a way accepted by society. I agree that we are afraid to make mistakes. Anything that is original or out of this world or probably just demented or twisted is termed as "wrong". Hence we are afraid of "ORIGINAL THINKING". Education worldwide does follow a hierarchy, the most useful subjects are considered to “Mathematics” and Science”, with vocational subjects such as art, dance and music lying at the bottom. Degrees no longer hold the same value as they did about thirty years ago. Today supply of human resources exceeds demand which has led to the academic inflation. The grading system in itself is at fault. No two individuals can be the same; hence we cannot be judged on the basis of the same parameters. It is important that each individual responds to certain elements in a school environment during the initial years and discovers what is it that they are meant to do. Matching right people to the right jobs can be the first step towards encouraging creativity.- Kalyani Nerurkar (27)

  23. BMM pretty much defines being “creative-friendly” compared to other professional courses, in terms of its syllabus, such as cinema, writing, photography and advertising. However when it comes to the grading system, it becomes like any other course. A student ends up vying for marks, rather than just concentrating on pure practical work. Theoretical knowledge is of immense importance, though it should not overshadow actual work experience. I think the syllabus should be upgraded, in terms of encouraging “original thinking”. Students should not be restricted as per textbooks or power point presentations. Luckily, BMM is on its path to become one of the few creative- friendly fields in its entirety. The fact that we are having a blog discussion proves that we are not restricted to classrooms and blackboards. - Kalyani Nerurkar (27)

  24. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson because the example that he gave of the dancer makes complete sense to me. If Julian Lynn was forced to study or discouraged, then she wouldn't be a successful dancer and choreographer. Most likely she would be a failure. Einstein for example was dyslexic and did not study ahead of the seventh grade but he still discovered the theory of relativity.The movie 3 idiots is based on the similar ideology. I believe that you should become something your good at and be successful in life instead of taking up something to just get the best degree and be a failure. Its always better to do what you feel then regretting it in the future. BE DIFFERENT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. @Dhwani : People now-a-days change within no time, the surroundings change, etc. Everyone is use to changes and is accepting it so its HIGH TIME that the education system changes. BMM is definitely creative. I totally agree with Kalyani. For most of us its about wanting to do assignments and projects not only for marks but also because they are different from the memory test that you generally have to give. (mug and write how much you remember). You are free to put forth your point of view instead of just agreeing to any Tom, Dick or Harry and narrowing your thoughts.

  25. Monisha Ramani (117)

  26. sir Ken's call for reforming schools so that they allow for and contribute to creativity is well argued and makes a lot of sense in our quickly changing society. I think that for the educational system to be reformed in this manner, though, it is the educators and administrators who need to learn to think creatively, not just the students. Moving away from our test-based school structure would be a necessary step toward helping schools educate students for creativity, but many structural and administrative elements need to change before this can happen. Can creative schools and No Child Left Behind coexist?To allow creativity we must open doors to closed minds and create new paths. I feel my whole life I have struggled as an artist because of my way I was brought up. At 18 I am just starting to give worth to what I create, to be accepting of it's value, to be aware that I am who I create and will attract other like minds when I value my true essences. (26)

  27. @Vanessa: No, the education system is not creative friendly yet. It is still taught within the framework of what the Mumbai University thinks of Mass Media. It is still based on grades, not entirely I agree but to a large extent it is. The course needs to be more practical. This is not a degree that promises a good job or any such thing. Which is the sad part. Saloni stated that our generation is a rebel which is true. Say 20 years back how many people would have risked taking up this course? It is a gamble but it is worth it because it is what you really WANT to do with your life. It will make you happy always and whatever is the outcome, nobody but you will be held responsible. If one is scared to take risks and follow his heart, he might lose out on a chance of being happy! if we understand that creativity is as important as academics we will definitely be able to bring up a better generation of children. Each one will be a genius in their own right!
    Suchita Srinivasan
    (roll no. not assigned)

  28. Even I want to be Sir Mehar Chumble

  29. BMM encourages and enhances a students creativity. Every project given to us is proof of that. Our curriculum consists of various courses. As creative writing or understanding cinema, the subjects in themselves pass as being creative. BMM distinguishes itself from all other courses offered by Mumbai University by adapting more inventive and original method to impart education, but when it comes down to examinations, a students creativity has little or no importance. Like MOST other courses we also follow the path of rote learning. The key to score high marks in any of the semester examinations is mugging the entire text book. BMM in my opinion is yet one of the few courses which instigates imaginativeness, creativity and talent. Only its grading system needs some reformation. Either the semester exams should be scrapped completely and the student should be graded on his/her projects submitted and day to day participation in class activities. Or the prescribed text book should be given little importance and reference books and the internet should be from where we get most of our information. On a personal note this course has certainly change my thought process and is continuing enhance my creativity and vision.
    -Shivangi Wadhwa (47)

  30. Sir ken Robinson has successfully grabbed the attention of the viewers in a very hilarious way on a topic which has definitely come at least once in every one’s mind but has been ultimately pushed aside. The initiative taken by him is remarkable and a sign of relief for many, especially for today’s generation. It’s like the education system has bounded us by the limited walls of the course designated under system. Specially in the school life, i think education till 5th std should be mandatory for all, but after that it should become a subjective preference. Extracurricular activities should stop being called as “extra “ and now be treated as important subject on which the student will be graded on. So that everyone not only discovers his own creativity or talent but also becomes a master in his art. Broadcasting this 20 min video for the younger generation can make a significant difference in the way they think and contribute in changing the axiomatic set of minds of parents and the way they approach the casual everyday activities
    Everything is better by adding a bit of creativity .. Which if done leads to a life without laziness and filled with fun.
    -Aditi Khanna (12)

  31. It’s high time that a change is brought in the education system from being cliché to being creative.
    -Aditi khanna (12)

  32. I completely agree with what Shivangi stated in her comment. I truly think that our grades should depend highly on our practical skills and less on our theory. BMM encourages us to be creative in every aspect but our creativity does not come out to the fullest. Our education system needs to develop ways to use our creativity and talents to the fullest by adding more creative subjects to the education system!According to me BMM is the one of the most creative fields in the education system at this point of time and i am proud to be a part of this field and the fact that i am commenting on this video as a part of my assignment shows how creative-friendly the course actually is!
    Tripti Nagpal (25)

  33. After
    watching the video i must say,
    Mr. Ken Robinson you're really
    funny, i fell on the floor laughing
    with my ass kissing the marble
    after watching that bitch. The
    shakesphere part is absolutely
    SOME gross shit i've ever seen
    before. Anyways talking about
    the video, i must agree that Sir.
    Ken Robinson is right, today's
    education system lacks
    creativity. To allow creativity we
    must open doors to closed minds
    and create new paths, the
    creative part is lacking since we
    have not placed much value on
    creativity, they are looked upon
    as second fiddle acts therfore
    most of the lalent and skill that
    students posses is really going
    to waste. (like i mean going
    right into the trash can). Today
    education is just a commercial
    buisness, and educators just
    expect studen to save some
    information by mugging up book
    and becomming ugly nasty books
    worms like Napolean Dynamite
    and ultimately write or should i
    say marely just fill up papers.
    (That's complete waste of
    trees). Its more of quantitative
    learning than qualitative
    learning, HELL its not even
    learning! The students are
    taught too much too early, its
    just adding pressure on the kids
    to perform. When will the
    students get the time to think
    and open their minds. When
    there is so much BULLSHIT
    stacked up their heads, where's
    the creativity? No chance of
    creativity. Education needs to be
    progressive, but this cannot be
    done alone, it needs leadership
    support. - Tejas Madaye (17)After
    watching the video i must say,
    Mr. Ken Robinson you're really
    funny, i fell on the floor laughing
    with my ass kissing the marble
    after watching that bitch. The
    shakesphere part is absolutely
    SOME gross shit i've ever seen
    before. Anyways talking about
    the video, i must agree that Sir.
    Ken Robinson is right, today's
    education system lacks
    creativity. To allow creativity we
    must open doors to closed minds
    and create new paths, the
    creative part is lacking since we
    have not placed much value on
    creativity, they are looked upon
    as second fiddle acts therfore
    most of the lalent and skill that
    students posses is really going
    to waste. (like i mean going
    right into the trash can). Today
    education is just a commercial
    buisness, and educators just
    expect studen to save some
    information by mugging up book
    and becomming ugly nasty books
    worms like Napolean Dynamite
    and ultimately write or should i
    say marely just fill up papers.
    (That's complete waste of
    trees). Its more of quantitative
    learning than qualitative
    learning, HELL its not even
    learning! The students are
    taught too much too early, its
    just adding pressure on the kids
    to perform. When will the
    students get the time to think
    and open their minds. When
    there is so much BULLSHIT
    stacked up their heads, where's
    the creativity? No chance of
    creativity. Education needs to be
    progressive, but this cannot be
    done alone, it needs leadership
    support. - Tejas Madaye (17)

  34. Sorry! I have commented the same thing twice, something's wrong with my mobile browser, so just ignore the reapeated stuff.

    Tejas Madaye (17)Sorry! I have commented the same thing twice, something's wrong with my mobile browser, so just ignore the reapeated stuff.

    Tejas Madaye (17)

  35. After reading few comments i should mention that getting grades might help you period, but creativity will help you in practical life which is really the real deal.
    Tejas Madaye (17)After reading few comments i should mention that getting grades might help you period, but creativity will help you in practical life which is really the real deal.
    Tejas Madaye (17)

  36. I totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson. His point about all children are born artists is so right because every child has a creative side to them and if its explored in their early age it’s a good thing because as we grow into becoming adults we lose our creative side. Not because of education but because of less scope to explore creativity. Our education system demands just academic excellence and hence, no one pays attention to creativity. As rightly said by Sir Ken Robinson about the Hierarchy of our education system. It’s high time we bring about a change in this system as this topic is being widely discussed now. Also, BMM is an extremely creative field where all of us get to do things and discover our creative side. I agree with what Kalyani said. Our syllabus should be upgraded in terms of original thinking. Theory is definitely important but more importance should be given to our assignments and projects we do. Aarti Khandelwal, 96.

  37. You cant teach creativity out of a person.Creativity should be one of the standards that teachers are required to teach.Kens call for reforming schools so that they allow creativity is well argued and makes sense in our changing society.I think he's more into making people actually give it a thought that not everything in this world is or should be based on the education or papers you get that you can put onto your cv.The current education system is designed to enslave the mind -so that its main purpose is to serve industrialism.Although all humans are born with creativity, the ones that we come to define as geniuses are able to nurture their creativity despite all of the problems with educational restrictions and society's ideals.human's creativity can be suppressed to the point of no return while geniuses continue to allow their creativity to grow.
    "Everyone is a genius... but if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" -Albert Einstein
    Viren sippy-135

  38. Sir Ken Robinson's video brings light on a subject that we always wonder about but never address. Creativity and Education seem like concepts that clash with each other. It should not be so.The talk he gives is very motivating. It makes me want to go back to school and start over again keeping this video in mind. I would go to pursue my creative talents and not ponder over what others would think. According to me teachers should guide, and try to bring out the best in each student be it an academic trait or an artistic one. We should be able to be incorporate creativity in education. Often due to the pressure of getting educated we make the mistake of giving up our creative side. Creativity flows through us. In the process of making something out of our life we lose it along the way. Education focuses on subjects like math’s and science while leaving aside music and arts. We need to go beyond the boundaries set by education. In our education system creativity is killed. In this time of constant change, a change should be brought about in education as well. Free new thinking should be encouraged and not suppressed. We won’t realize right and wrongs without making mistakes.
    I feel that Bmm compared to other courses is creative friendly to a certain extent. We get a chance to think for our own but, at the end it all comes down to being graded. It is high time that creativity is appreciated and given importance.

    Riddhima Pradhan
    Roll no 115

  39. @Shivangi Wadhwa, I agree with you to a certain extent, but even after realizing this have you done anything to undo or redo any of it..?

  40. @VanessaRebello, @Mehar Baba, I dis agree wit you Mehar on the points of BMM being a creative course. I have not seen one piece of educational material in this course or for that matter any course that is creative.
    But i do agree with you on the matters of us using the knowledge we gain from BMM and strive to be creative.
    Then again we try to be creative in BMM only because we are told that this is a creative field, when we are face with topics like World War and Subhiksah, we tend to wonder if the curriculum is creative or do 'WE' have to make it creative.

  41. In comparison to other courses BMM definitely seems more "Creative-Friendly".At least there's some scope, something that doesn't only judge us on the "THEORY" we put on paper.
    Disha Jain,85

  42. Saachi RamchandaniJuly 13, 2011 at 8:18 AM

    I agree with Sir Ken Robinson that creativity relativity needs to be explored. It is the ability of a person to express his deepest feelings through a medium in which it will be best received and will hold the attention of people. It is the creative stream which is the heartbeat of an artist, a musician, a singer, a performer, an author and an inventor. But it appears that the education system in our country is destroying the creative flow within an individual. Education is a must, without education there is no creativity. Creativity holds its own importance. Education is required by one but education should not hamper the creative skills of a person. It appears that education is more of an attempt of brainwashing than enlightening.
    Creativity becomes most evident when we think of endless ways to express exactly the depth of our feelings. It ends our search for something unique and meaningful that ties down an audience. Creativity is an outlet and it should give us the satisfaction of getting across our message, irrespective of the medium. A child isn’t allowed to explore, isn’t allowed to try new things and is hell bent on following legacies or setting academic benchmarks, potentially destroying their creative ability only to get into ‘elite’ colleges like Stanford and Harvard. There are so many aspects of our life that creativity touches that the importance of it defies logic. Today we as humans we need to explore our abilities without fear. Creativity isn’t just about coming up with the next best idea but is also about inspiration, being inspired and giving inspiration. We live in a world of imposed standardization which is destructive to creativity. Creativity is the bringing into being of something which does not exist. It does not have to be about developing something new to the world it is more to do with something new to ourselves. When we change ourselves, our thinking and go beyond all limitations, the world changes with us.
    Name : Saachi Ramchandani
    Roll no :33

  43. i totally agreee with sir ken, he is clearly telling us that being creative is very good...i feel bmm is a very creative field and is very different, atleast students are not pressurised with the load of mugging up books without even understanding them, in this field students can do what they want and in wichever field they are comfortable in. There are variety of subjects leaving alot of ooptions for us to decide and make it big in it. bmm is all about being creative, there is no pressure of mugging but infact u can put new ideas and become creative and it makes u think in a different way! On a personal note bmm has enhanced me to think creatively and has made me come up and recognise my talent.
    SYBMM (A)- 49

  44. creativity today should come up and should be explored, our education system only focuses on marks and competition. we people should not be scared about exploring our talents as we can inspire other people to do so, people will be successful if they are able to come forward in the field they like and if people are in their feild wich they love they can come up with more succesful and innovative ideas.Creativeness should be there from the depth of our heart and so we can think from within having no limitations. And i think bmm is the field where creativity is given more importance and so our education must improve to explore talents through creativity and give it more explosure. Many people were scared to take up this course before but now people want to explore their talents and are even becoming successful. hence creativity should be given more preferance.

  45. I feel BMM does encourage creativity. Well, at least more than any other course in India. Courses like BA need no creativity at all. Any assignment or project which is marked or graded cannot be pure ‘creativity’. They are often done in a way to impress the teacher, and have to follow certain norms. But the assignments I do, often forces me to think about things, I generally wouldn’t. BMM has a lot of practical study, something which is absolutely missing from most of the other courses.
    It can be made more ‘creative-friendly’ probably by having only in-class assignments, without having the help from the internet. We are highly dependent on the internet. Reading about some topic online and talking about it in class is not creativity. So I feel the course can be much more helpful and will be appreciated if the teachers decide to do what they believe is right and not what the education ministry wants them to do.
    Dhwani Parikh- 110

  46. @Bawa Undo or redo what????
    -Shivangi Wadhwa (47)

  47. If we could change our degree level education for the better i would firstly make it more student friendly. I personally feel that an understanding of a subject is strengthened by a practical application of it. We should have more options of subjects, that give us a chance to exploit our creativity to the fullest.


  48. Creativity is what is present in everyone of us since birth.But what matters is where our creativity lies.No teacher can teach us to be creative but to encourage to find the creative side in us is what a teacher should to do.If a person comes up with a H-positive idea there will be thousands of people to counter that idea and this is because our society is not open to creativity.Our education system is a good example of it.There degrees for science,history,mathematics,etc.,etc.,but there is no specific degree for dance or singing or drama.Why? Sir Ken said that "prepare to be wrong to come up with anything original",are we really prepared to be wrong?.The thought itself of what others will say if I do this, destroys the creativity.What we need to learn is that its OK TO SUCK.Freedom is what we need to see our creative side.It is high time for our education system to change to stop the manufacturing of (il)literate people.
    Shrutee.Purandare (54)

  49. I think Sir Ken Robinson has potrayed this in an excellent and in a very unique way , People who are well educated or are at a higher level in society because of their education are given much more respect to people who are maybe small time artists or amateur singers etc , well obviously this is how it is but creativity needes to be aplauded as much as education if not more . I think schools do kill creativity as everyone is being put into a rat race from day one as to who is going to succeed or end up coming first .. creativity is given no importance and creativity is also killed in these situations , i think schools need to give creativity a bigger chance .. Dance, drama , movies etc these are the areas around which the world is revolving these days , it ought to be given a bigger chance ! Also according to sir ken robinson kids are put under pressure or are de-motivated towards departments of their liking thinking its not going to work ! Basically , i think creativity is needed more than anything in this world at the moment and there is no limit to the imagination of the human brain and departments other than education should be given equal importance !

  50. Geet Shahani (126)

  51. Honestly, I like the fact that most people lose out on their creativity. It brings exclusivity to a few people who continue to hold on to the right side of their brain.
    You know, people like me.

  52. Literally education means preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life…..does that mean following your heart or doing creative things without studying the so called “intellectual” courses is being uneducated?
    Love Sir Ken Robinson for telling us the actual meaning of “Education”. His unique sense of humor adds zing to his monologue. I wish the so called “intellectuals” creating our syllabus would use their right brain as well so that artists, musicians and the likes of them get their rightful place in the list of the “educated” clan. Sir Ken Robinson’s intelligent humor makes great hearing. Refreshing and sensible, bold and progressive. A revolution of this kind is required for creative survival as today’s education system is churning out intellectual robots.

    The first thing that came to my mind after watching this video was this quote
    “I was born intelligent, but education ruined me”

  53. Sir Ken Robinson has a good sense of humour. His thoughts and views are brilliant. All of us have certain creative aspects but sometimes are unaware of it. Everybody is afraid that they might go wrong somewhere or make some mistake so they try to keep their views and opinions to themselves and agree with everyone else. Hence, creativity is killed. Sir Robinson has put the facts of creativity quite well. He says that our education system is not appropriate and more importance is given to subjects like maths and science whereas subjects like art and music should be more important. Our education system should be more talent-oriented rather than being marks-oriented. It should enhance creativity not grades. The thoughts Sir Robinson has on Shakespeare are very relevant. Also he put he views in a very humourous way and gave examples that we could actually think of and relate to.

    Its high time that our education system changes and tries to give more importance to creativity rather than marks and degrees.


  54. "EDUCATION"--- is a process by which people learn and gain knowledge.

    Unfortunately, today education has become just marks-oriented. Everybody just wants to score their marks. Nobody really cares about the creative and informative aspect. In schools and colleges, students are forced to learn by rote, and aim for achieving success defined by society. It is easy to lay the blame on the Indian education system, though, isn’t it? But is it only the system that is doing so? How much responsibility do we ourselves take in developing creativity?

    The biggest challenge for the Indian education system today is population. There are too many children in one classroom for a single teacher to handle. If we can afford to have a ratio of one teacher per twenty four children, we can certainly expect better results. The teachers will then be able to give more attention to each child, and encourage questions and give the students the opportunity to think beyond the curriculum. After all, creativity is not just fine arts, it is the ability to look at something with many perspectives; it is the ability to come up alternate suggestions and ideas. And the responsibility to nurture that does not lie only with the education system; it lies with us, to think, to question and to go beyond the text book.

    Education, today focuses more on subjects like maths, science, history, etc. whereas it shold focus more on subjects like drawing,painting, music and art. It is somehow killing creativity.

    BMM is a kind of a creative course. It has enhanced my thinking alot and made me more capable to think. This course helps us to prove our talents and ability to think. The very fact that BMM includes subjects like advertising, creative writing, mass communication and marketing makes it more creative-friendly.

    However, due to the grading system, BMM to some extent becomes dry.

    It can be more fun if the theory part is reduced. Thus, creativity can be more enhanced and we can think more out of the box.


  55. No doubt, that we all here strongly support the idea of Sir Kin Robinson. Hence, we are part of B.M.M. today. Also many of us must have felt inferior at some point of time because of the hierarchy of the education system. Feeling of achievement , pleasure and satisfaction are the major reasons why one needs to pursue his interests and not just blindly follow the suit.
    Although today my dad is a successful photographer, his journey was not so easy. In those olden days when government jobs were at the superlative level, he showed a lot of courage to aspire for such a creative rather waste (then considered) profession & was also thrown out of house for few months for the same.
    Hence, today when amidst the rigid hierarchy and the traditional notions about education, I see creative professions emerging, I feel grateful!
    Yes , the educational system isn’t so flexible yet. However, no one can deny that the mind of the authority is gradually opening towards the better. I believe, “a change has better probability of its survival when it’s gradual rather that sudden.”
    Apurva Sinha [51]

  56. I don’t know why, but I was not able to see the whole video. Whatever I saw certainly inspired me to talk. Education in India is simply carrying heavy bags to schools and studying according to the time table we receive on the first day of the school! I did the same and now I see my brother doing the same but no one is ready to change the system. In recent time there were some movies based on this issue but none of them were much effective! The Education system has made an attempt to bring some change but nothing has worked because our education simply lacks creativity!
    A day before, I went through the civics textbook of this year 10th standard and it still has the same stats and facts which were there in my textbook 5 years back…… HAS NOTHING CHANGED IN OUR COUNTRY? I have done one year of engineering and the projects I did in that whole year were copying some technical stuff from the web or some textbook into my journals and then submit it and still people say engineering guarantee you a secure future without realizing that it is rusting brains.
    For me creativity is all about creating something sensible out of nothing and there is no point in waiting for an opportunity to come and knock your door. Those who think they have wings should open them and fly without bothering about the world because each and every invention or discovery we praise today was someone’s creativity.
    In school days, a girl in my class always used to come up with some poetry or some stories and I used to keep wondering what must have inspired her to write and BMM has helped me to find the answer I was searching. Now even I have started writing and the small things towards which most of the people turn a deaf ear inspire me to write or think.
    BMM is completely different from other educational course and in the last one year my class has seen a movie in which the whole Mumbai city was shown through sounds, people came up with bikini chappells, management terms were explained through Facebook and chess and many more creative projects. I hope BMM remains the way it is so that creativity survives!
    A new dance step is a dancer’s creativity, a new cricket shot is a cricketer’s creativity. Creativity has no limitations and it can be explored in each and every field, art, sports, science, entertainment, cooking and even grass cutting!
    Anku Mokal- 23

  57. I totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson when he says children are inherently creative & as they are growing up this quality is squandered witlessly. The fact that he suggests that we have to re-think the fundamental principle with which we educate our children is an eye opener for all of us. We must break out of established patters in order to look at things in a different way.

    For me, creativity is looking at something usual in an unusual way but something that has value. Creativity requires passion & commitment. To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong. We are often brought up to believe that certain types of behaviour & thoughts are ‘right’ & others are ‘wrong’. This conditioning constrains our thinking & creates barriers in expressing our thoughts and feelings. Thus, we have to break the wall of conditioning in order to find our creative self. It’s better to create than to be learned.

    Sir Ken Robinson reinforces the fact that as we grow, we stop being creative but children don’t mind making mistakes. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. When a student is stimulated to think creatively, he enjoys the learning process and develops more tolerance for the ambiguous & the unusual and the learner emerges with a great change.

    The educational system, as I see it, does not encourage lateral thinking. The important question is whether there is a place in educational institutions where creativity can thrive. In today’s educational system, creativity has been replaced by very stringent rules in the curriculum. Students are only a small factor; the teaching technique is what is really affecting the education and how much the students absorb.

    I’ll conclude with how Pablo Picasso puts it, “The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense.”
    -Rheya Hemrajani - 09

  58. What a brilliant speech by Sir Ken Robinson!I completely agree with him when he says that creativity is as important as literacy in education.Creativity will help in better understanding of children and also make it a fun process of learning.He also states that however uncertain the future is we still continue to educate ourselves.Sir Robinson explains how children are not afraid to be wrong unlike adults who do not express their thoughts fearing that they might be wrong.According to him one should be prepared to be wrong in order to come up with something original.I totally agree with this because if we are afraid of being wrong we will not voice our ideas and opinions.
    Siksha Narang(Roll no not yet sure).

  59. "If you're not prepared to be wrong you'll never come up with anything original"- this line spoken by Sir Ken Robinson just says it all!
    Ma'am like you put it, our first rule in creative writing is that it's okay to suck. which means we shouldn't stop trying. Sir Ken Robinson is a very witty man.I agree when he says that all individuals are born with their own special talents. We all deserve to be what we want to be and the education system must take us forward on the path of recognising our talents and evolving as better creative beings.
    There's always a huge debate on defining the term 'creativity'. Many of us wouldn't have the appropriate words to explain the term but I feel creativity is not only about coming up with an H positive idea but to believe and explore the dimensions of your ever thinking, restless mind.
    Our education system is still stuck on the orthodox way of teaching. I completely agree when he says that Maths is taught everyday in school but dance was never made a compulsory subject, why? The pattern that the education system follows is boring and monotonous and to be honest quite baseless. We as growing up, inquisitive, curios beings should be given the freedom to speak and do and learn what really benefits us in a long run and most importantly satisfies our minds.

    And about BMM, well, compared to other courses it helps us to be creative. It does encourage creativity. Our assignments are different, interesting, thought-provoking and most importantly fun. I believe there are loopholes but on the whole BMM has given me the freedom to broaden my mind and think beyond what I thought was normal. I don't know how creative it has made me but it definitely has made me like what I do and do it better each time.

    -Sainee Raj

  60. @Shivangi Wadhwa, Your Dancing classes..!

  61. Our course is designed in such a way that it encourages creativity and innovation. Yes, we do have an element of creativity in our present curriculum because we get ample opportunities to delve into ourselves through creative tasks & assignments, which lead to the generation of ideas.

    In the past we were just confined to theoretical knowledge & there was no room for creativity. In contrast to this, BMM is structured to enhance creativity. The syllabus is tailored to teach the students the significance of contemporary issues.

    The fact that we are writing this as a part of our assignment speaks for itself & justifies my opinion. I believe each one of us is unique & we have the potential to achieve our goal. BMM is a good platform to unleash this potential.

    If I could change the degree level education for the better, I would probably give more preference to assignments & projects rather than the theoretical aspect of it.
    -Rheya Hemrajani - 09

  62. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson's thoughts, he has been very successful in shedding light on the fact that Creativity of each individual is suppressed as, since the earlier times people have been exposed to one fact that unless you aren't academically successful you reach nowhere. But, as Sir Ken Robinson mentions about Julian Lynn the choreographer and @Monisha who rightly points about Einstein, provokes a silver lining to our thoughts and the way of living that, it isn't Academic Success that matters in making an individual successful as much as his/her Passion or Creativity.
    There should definitely be amendments made in our education systems and the focus shouldn't be on the grades of each student but, it should relatively be concentrated on their hidden talents that need to be encouraged cause its only our passion that helps us gaining success.
    Its very rightly said in the movie 3 idiots: "Don't run behind success in fact let success run behind u".
    We need to overcome the fear of being failures in one field cause thats when we will realize that we are the masters of something else. Somethings thats made only for us to pursuit.
    At the same time I believe that there are educational boards that do not restrict us from exploring our creative side and this kind of system is what other boards need to adapt because CREATIVITY is an aspect that develops and is recognized with time.
    Being a part of BMM I believe we are given the liberty to explore our creative side and hidden talents but this shouldn't only be limited to our field in fact it should be adapted by all the other fields because something as small as a tool was a CREATION of a MECHANICAL MIND too.
    Jayanti Abichandani, 61

  63. Sir Ken Robinson, rightly said that each child has a spark in him/her and is special in his/her own way. I feel it is the responsibility of the people and institutions around each child to find what would ignite that. Institutions must educate the whole child -creatively, culturally, spiritually, morally, physically, technologically as well as intellectually. Good teachers recognise this and develop the child to his/her potential. The greatest gift you can give a child is self-esteem and confidence in their ability. If a child has these, no challenge is too great for them.

    A core aim of our education system must be to enable all children to develop their creativity and unlock their creative potential... If the innovative and creative minds of tomorrow are to be nurtured and inspired, teaching has to be developed in a way which appeals to the creative and emotional and which encourages conceptual thinking.




  64. i agree with everyone who spoke about bmm being creative.the projects we get are way different from other courses.the projects we get in bmm encourages creativity we need to think beyond our normal imagination.its one of the few courses which is creative friendly
    viren sippy 135

  65. Firstly, I totally agree with what Sir Ken Robinson has to say aiming at education being interest of all. The way we portray education is taken in a very wrong manner. Education not only means studying particular subjects and doing well academically, education also refers to ‘extracurricular’ activities, which at many levels is considered only to be an extra. Sir Ken Robinson has put the real essence of education across in a very humorous yet effective manner. I deeply agree with his point on making mistakes and being original and thereby creative. The education system today, only teaches us how to be right and perfect in everything which is something wrong by itself. And by education system I mean the system which tells us to learn things which are only viable for us to get work which is basically governed by industries. That way you are only supposed to learn what is taught and no scope of thinking and questioning remains. If students today are taught in this manner, it is not educating them entirely but just a part of them is being educated as without reasoning or making mistakes, one cannot attempt to learn something entirely. Basic education should be given to all but forcing it onto one is something that shouldn’t happen. If someone wants to be a dancer, they should be encouraged and motivated to do so rather than being told that it isn’t right for them. In my opinion, every person should be given exposure and space to reason out, to grow intellectually by reasoning, and thereby get educated rather than learning and remembering what is taught under the education system. Creativity is something present in every person which just needs a catalyst to trigger it. What I liked most in this video was the story of the little girl in the drawing class.

    Ankyta Malkani 'A' (18)

  66. I think failure and success go hand in hand. we don't value success till we have failed at some point. creativity gives us an opportunity to experience this aspect. While education focuses only on success.


  67. The thought of being creative is lost in today's world. A world where everyone wants to be a competitive part of the "rat race" and this rat race is created by the so called "educated" and "intellectual" people. All that students are bothered about today is studying or rather mugging up everything given in the syllabus and vomiting it out in the exams. Their only aim is to score a 90% and why...?? because no college allows students with a lower percentage to enter in. Sadly, this is what the education system is making us do!

    As far as BMM is concerned, i feel that compared BMM allows us to be creative and break the walls of conventional ways of studying(As Kalyani has mentioned, we are using a blog instead of a black board)
    Nikita Rathod (36)

  68. firstly i totally agree that bmm is a creativie course because every assignment,projects or a task given to us is very challenging.everytime a student craves to think something out of box to presents his/her task in a different way. this things open up our mind with a really different point of view.
    secondly there are some schools and colleges which are trying to imbibe knowledge i a different way. some subjects are taught through practical way like having presentation, field visit, projects.assignments. this is helping the young generation to think creatively through some extent.
    this is what i have seen and feel yet.
    divyasangle, roll no-39

  69. We all know that schools push students to STUDY rather than taking up something that interest us. Having knowledge about the happenings of the world is different and learning from a book is way different. There has been a point in our lives where we must have atleast once thought, how is this going to help me in the future? Creativity of children is lost and syllabus's are completed. This video is very inspiratinal to everyone cause it talks about something that everyone has thought and discussed.Specially us BMM students that we are interested in rather than subjects which have no meaning. Being in bmm now it feels right cause we are pursuing something that interests us and encourages us to be creative and experimental.The way Sir Ken Robinson has put it across in the video is really nive as he is extremely witty which keeps you interested for the entire 19 minutes.   Sargam Arora(65)

  70. I totally agree that Sir Ken Robinson is a humorous man and did keep me interested. He put his point in a way that would make people want to hear him. He is convincing.
    Monisha Ramani(117)

  71. I agree with what sir Ken Robinson says that the education system lacks creativity. The education system is all about mugging up your syllabus and spitting it on the answer sheet during exams. To bring creativity we need to open our minds but the education system doesn't allow us to do so. I love sketching and when i was in school i used to sit on the last bench and draw something when i was free...i didn't like studying or interacting in class because of which my parents were called to school and i was made to believe that what i was doing is wrong. My dad said that i am not going to get anything by drawing those stupid sketches and i was forced out of it. According to them its the degree which decides my future and not my imagination. I took engineering because according to my parents it was the degree which matters but then i ended up failing and today when i have a chance to do what i want, i am scared to be wrong. I am happy to be in BMM because now there are no walls to my imagination and this is the only course where i think i can overcome my fear of being wrong...
    Everyone is creative and they should be given a chance to explore their creative side..
    Manish Lohana (16)

  72. Sir Ken Robinson's wit and intelligence,is evident. I feel it has such a strong impact that it might change the way certain teachers think!

    There are many people whom i know got 65% and ended up doing Bcom/Ba/Bsc because they dint get admission in BMM. I confess, they are much more creative than me and would do justice to this course. But now all the creativity goes to waste as their morale is broken and due to lack of inspiration. why do we even have silly rules like 60 seats per college? why cant just everybody study what they like and are interested in? Real talents, and creative minds are deprived of the platform, which is required to showcase their talents. More freedom, for the choice of subjects, and making it possible for everyone to be a part of it, can lead to BMM gaining the recognition and acknowledgement it deserves.


  73. Sir Ken robinson makes a very entertaining yet moving case for creating an education system that should nurture creativity instead of undermining it. The present education system is very structured and hardly gives us a chance to think, leave alone thinking out of the box.
    In the present system, we are forced to learn by rote and produce the same in an examination which evaluates our calibre. Do we really recall anything that we had "mugged up" the night before the examination? Give us a chance to explore the subjects! The creativity cannot be taught in school from only textbooks neither can it be learnt. Creativity needs to be encouraged and nurtured. Creativity is the essence of life, of evolution, of consciousness, of nature and of matter.The whole essence of creativity lies in its freshness, its freedom, its newness. As far as I'm concerned, Bmm is the most creative friendly course. Although we do end up vying for marks, atleast in the process of doing that,our assignments motivate us to open our minds and think differently. - Tanya Khanna (13)

  74. Sir KEN ROBINSON makes a very valid point in a convincing manner.Creativity helps us to explore our potential,our educational system should be more talent-oriented.

  75. We should also have a blog debate if possible since we all agree to sir ken Robinson , it would be really interesting to have a debate

  76. Sir Ken Robson has a point creativity is dead by the time we grow up...rather then growing with age.....this can be seen in the Indian education system as there is 0 creativity compared to other education system as we just mug up the answers n write.

    Armaan Mirza 105

  77. Sir Ken robinson had a great sense of humour. His thoughts were brilliant and he had a broader vision of "Education" and "Creativity". According to Sir Robinson, every person is unique and has some talents, but those talents have to be shown not hidden. The very term- 'EDUCATION' symbolizes- imparting knowledge. Unfortunately, in today's fast pacing world, education is becoming marks and purpose based and the creative part is being killed. Everybody just talks about how to score more marks, nobody talks about the different ideas they have in their minds. Sir Robinson is just right saying that-"our education system is not appropriate". A lot of importance is only given to mugging up from books and notes whereas creative ideas should be given more importance. Sir has given such examples which we can relate to very easily. Thus, I feel that its high time now the education system changes for the better and encourages creativity.


  78. BMM is a very creative-friendly course. Its brings out the different ideas a person has, by the very fact that it includes subjects like- media studies, marketing and management, sociology, advertising, etc. However, the grading system still prevails. I feel that the grades should be put down and creative ideas should be enhanced. BMM can be more exciting if the theory part is reduced and the creative area is enhanced. However, compared to other courses, I feel that BMM is much more creative.

